Anton McClure

Location: Akron, OH, US
Web site: <>
E-Mail addresses:,,
Telephone number: +1 (425) 256-7515
Mobile number: Available upon request.

If you are looking at either a paper or digital snapshot, the latest version is available online at <> in HTML format.

Personal software projects are available online at <>.


Software Maintainer, GNU Project, Free Software Foundation (February 2024-Present)

Maintainer of GNUtrition: a free nutrition analysis software written for the GNU operating system. The US Department of Agriculture, Nutrient Database of Standard Reference is used as the source of food nutrient information. My current duties involve updating the package from Python 2 to Python 3, and GTK 2 to GTK 3. I had also rewritten the documentation from DocBook to TexInfo. This is a volunteer position.

Web site: <>

Student Assistant, Information Technology Services, University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA (April 2023–Present)

A student assistant at the University of Akron's Information Technology Service Desk (ITSD). My duties were to perform phone and remote technical support along with the duties from the internship. While working here, I gained additional valuable experience regarding troubleshooting technical issues, working with customers, along with other technological and office skills.

Web site: <>

Intern, Information Technology Services, University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA (Jan 2023–May 2023)

An internship at the University of Akron's Information Technology Service Desk (ITSD). My duties were to perform hardware and software troubleshooting and repair, customer service, and other duties as assigned. While working here, I gained valuable experience regarding troubleshooting technical issues, re-imaging computers, working with customers, along with other technological and office skills.

Web site: <>


College of Engineering and Polymer Science, University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA (May 2023–Present)

A Bachelor's of Science in Computer Information Systems for the programming degree option, continuing from the associate's degree. Courses taken currently a more advanced C++ course.

Web site: <>

College of Engineering and Polymer Science, University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA (Jan 2019–May 2023)

An Associate of Applied Business degree in Computer Information Systems for the programming degree option. Courses taken range from introductory management, human resources, and accounting, along with programming in C++, C#, VB.Net, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, use of UNIX and GNU/Linux, SQL, and systems analysis and design, as well as a Computer Information Systems internship course. I attended university part-time for this degree.

Web site: <>

Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences, University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA (Jan 2018–Jan 2019)

A Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science for the systems degree option. Transferred to an associate degree for Computer Information Systems in December 2018. I attended university part-time for this degree.

Web site: <>


March 2023

Dell Client Foundations 2021


Programming languages

VB.Net, Perl, PHP, JavaScript, C, C++, Python, C#, PowerShell.

Web servers

Apache (2.2 and 2.4), NGINX, Internet Information Services (IIS), lighttpd, LightSpeed Web Server, thttpd, Abyss Web Server, httpi.

E-Mail servers

Sendmail, Postfix, Exim, Dovecot, Exchange, Axigen, hMailServer.

Visual design

Adobe Photoshop, GNU Image Manipulation Program, Canva.

Web development and design (coded)

HTML/HTML5, XHTML/XHTML5, Server-Side Includes, CSS/CSS3, PHP, Perl.

Web development and design (other)

Custom WMS/CMS solutions, WordPress, Drupal.


Microsoft PowerPoint, LibreOffice Impress.

Document typesetting



MySQL/MariaDB, SQLite, Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Access.

Microsoft Windows

System administration and support skills for Windows servers and clients.

POSIX (GNU/Linux and UNIX)

System administration and support skills with GNU/Linux and FreeBSD.

Platforms and services

Oracle PeopleSoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Intune/Endpoint/Entra, Microsoft 365 Security, University of Akron's UAnet Services (Auth).

Software and tools

Visual Studio CVS, Git, Make, Microsoft 365, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), Clang.


Repairing and replacing hardware, cleaning devices, and re-imaging devices.

Customer support

Phone, chat, and ticket-based technical support, primarily with Five9 softphones.

Projects (2014-Present)

A group of computing services, including a shell server, e-mail server, authoritative DNS name servers, a certificate authority, web applications, and more. The first of these machines were started in 2014 on a home server, but largely existed on rented remote servers ever since 2019.

Web site: <>

References are available upon request.
Last updated: Mon May 6 01:10:58 EDT 2024